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Id 78
Date 1897-05-24
Location USA / Nevada / Reno
Database p strange entities

Officers Leeper and Logan observed and attempted to capture "an uncanny shape in human form with a peculiar phosphorescent light surrounding it."

Transcription of the newspaper clip:

Thursday, May 27, 1897

An Uncanny Visitor.

For three nights past the officers
have been watching a peculiar phenomenon
north of the track and are mystified
at what has been observed.
Officers Leeper and Logan attempted
last evening to capture what appeared
to them an uncanny shape in human
form with a peculiar phosphorescent
light surrounding it, and with this in
view took positions some distance
apart and waited. Suddenly the apparition
or whatever it is appeared and
both made a rush, but the object
seemed to ???ad on air for a moment
and then vanished, leaving the officers
gazing at each other under the light of
their dark lanterns. A second attempt
was made with a like result.

The officers are disinclined to name
the locality as they do not desire to
frighten the residents, and for the
same reason did not care to fire any
shots. But they nevertheless insist
that there is something peculiar going
on as the object has been seen on
several nights between 11:30 and 12:30
in the same neighborhood. Developments
of a sensational character may
be expected, but whether a genuine
ghost or some practical joker is working
the "cops" remains to be seen.


NEWSPAPER Nevada State Journal (Reno, Nevada, USA)



phosphorescent light    human    strange entities   


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